Get inventive with raising funds for Moki, by using Moki!

Moki kids in the playground

The variance between school budgets is incredible, some have far bigger budgets than others and only schools in England & Northern Ireland receive the PE Sports Premium funding each year.  So capital spend can vary up and down the country and following recent unprecedented times financial strains may be felt even more in the Education sector, so we thought it pertinent to share how Moki can fundraise to pay for itself. 

We have had a number of schools relate to us on how they have used Moki Activity Trackers to raise the funds to cover the cost of themselves, which we think is pure genius.  Not only have these schools managed to recoup the money they invested in Moki for their current and future classrooms, they have gone on to fund other projects & schemes related to Physical Activity Learning (PAL) benefitting the whole school.

How does it work?

  • A school purchases a classroom pack setting up Moki upon receipt familiarising with the functions and usability;
  • School sets a challenge for the class using the function on Moki App; 
  • Distance and Step counts can be calculated by using our cute little 'where shall we go?' step calculator;
  • Just Giving Page (or similar) can be set up to authenticate and give people a way to donate; 
  • BE ACTIVE! Hitting the challenge daily step count for the class (you can use Maths lessons to calculate step lengths);
  • Using the reporting function of Moki, your school's personalised dashboard can be shared to let everyone know how the class is doing. 

Some Good Examples

Some of the fun class challenges used to raise funds we have heard of are...

  • Can we collectively walk the London Marathon in one week?
  • Can we collect a Million steps this week? 
  • How fast can the class walk 10km? 
  • Can we walk the Amazon River in 2 weeks? 
  • Virtual Sports Day or week. Compete as classes, teams or houses to see who's most active! 

Do you have any ideas to share about fundraising with Moki? If you do then be sure to say hello and let us know what you’ve been up to!
