Moki mentioned in new guidance from the UK Department for Education!
It's wonderful to see the work Girlington Primary in Bradford is doing with Moki being cited in the new non-statutory guidance on PE from UK Department for Education.
'The school regularly described itself as being a ‘sporty’ school due to their success at local sport competitions. However, following a review local health data which showed poor health outcomes for the local community, the deputy headteacher wanted to see how PE was supporting pupils to understand the health implications of inactivity. The school set out to investigate the movement patterns of pupils throughout a school week, including during timetabled PE. Pupils wore movement monitoring devices which demonstrated that on average the majority of pupils were not active and moving for more than 30 minutes of a 6-to-7-hour school day, including on days when they had PE27. As a result, the school wrote an outcome into its school improvement plan, planning to increase PE time to a minimum of 2 hours per week, ensuring this time demonstrated and taught pupils how to move effectively. The school believed that the timetabled PE lessons had to be the reference point for all its pupils to gain knowledge of what high quality movement was, which could then support breaking sedentary behaviour habits.'
You can read more about it here.