"There is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertainty and change……" JFK

This statement has never been truer than of these strange times we are finding ourselves in.  As parents ourselves to a wide range of differently aged children, the Moki team, along with the entire nation, are too adapting to change.  We find ourselves having to yo-yo through a number of roles throughout the day, switching between teachers, home office managers, counsellors and science experts to name a few and it's a time our children will surely remember.  

We have been inundated with support from our schools, teachers and affiliates sharing excellent resources, many of which you are probably aware of and will utilise in the forthcoming weeks.  In our Moki journey so far we have come across so much content on activity and physical learning and include a list below of people we work and collaborate with in case there is something new and exciting you find to break the monotony!! 

Remember Activity does not have to be playing a sport if that’s not your thing, just playing is being active…So we thought it useful to share some activities and games that we play with our children, some of their favourites that can be played indoors or outdoors and none need special equipment…..

  • Family tag - just as it says, chase, capture, tickle, giggle.
  • Tug of war - keep it even weighting on both sides eh? 
  • Agility courses - over back of sofas, through chair legs, under tables, over the cushions.. Or outside! We like to make this more Temple Run /Indiana Jones style in our house! 
  • Trampolining! - Remember that thing in your garden the kids used to jump on….?
  • Daily Family Disco - dancing, learning new moves, show the kids how you nail the robot! Let them teach you a new move! 
  • Bucket Ball - we use a soft ball from experience (!) or lots of newspaper rolled up…. A bucket, individuals, not many rules, what could possibly go wrong! 
  • Hoovering / lawn mowing - totally snuck that in there for the parents, legitimate activity raising heart rate ;-)
  • Treasure hunt - in the garden or in the house, takes a bit of prep so it lasts more than 5 minutes! 
  • Balloon tennis / basketball  - using hands, desk bins as goals….
  • Skateboards, rollerblades, quad skates - making ramps, any new tricks to master? 
  • Daily Mile at home - jogging for around 10 mins, timed or untimed! 
  • Yoga! - so much online content on youtube etc. 
  • Car washing - yep! It’s a life skill that takes a good 30 minutes if they do it right! 
  • Home Olympics/sports day - (combine with daily mile) think old school relays, egg and spoons, three legged races, pillowcase runs, sprints.  

We have been given lots of instructions to follow this past week but guidelines on physical activity in children remain at 60 minutes per day of MVPA (raising heart rate).  Doesn't matter what time of day, whether it is split into 6 chunks of 10mins, 2 chunks of 30 mins or however it fits in with you! Our children will remember this as a time of uncertainty, let us also give them the memories of spending time playing with our families.

And of course, we will totally be joining in PE with Joe from Monday morning at 9am on his youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6r99N3kXME  see you there? 

Stay safe, well and active!
The Moki Team 

