Introducing Moki Lessons - our AI powered active lesson plan creator

We're very excited to announce the launch of our new active lesson creator we're calling Moki Lessons. We're passionate about exploring ways that technology can support schools to be more physcially active. So it's not really surprsing that the recent proliferation of AI, or perhaps more accurately, Large Language Models, inspired us to think of ways we could put the new technology to use for schools, teachers and children.
Why Active Lessons?

Over the last four years we've learned a lot from the 1,400 schools using Moki Bands. The insane amount of data has shown us many interesting things but one of the most surprising is just how much difference active lessons make to the overall physical activity levels of a school. No one is surprised to look at a typical school day, like the one shown above, and see large activity spikes at break and lunchtime, usually paired with periods of very low activity during lessons.
Say goodbye to sedentary learning

One of the key ingredients in the strategies of our most active schools is to try and address these sedentary periods during normal non-PE lesson time. It's not about turning every lesson into some kind of crazy workout, but to employ new techniques and models of teaching that incorporate movement. The cumulative impact of making sedentary lessons just a little bit more active cannot be overstated. Not just in terms of physical activity levels, but engagement and academic performance.
Active lesson plans for every year and subject

Lesson plans, even active lesson plans are nothing new. There are a LOT of resources out there when it comes to planning. With Moki Lessons we are less focused on the granular detail of 'what' is being taught and more concered with the 'how' the lesson is taught. By choosing the year, subject and topic, along with any custom focus you like, Moki Lessons will use AI to generate a completely original lesson plan, designed to deliver your learning objectives in a way that promotes movement and physical activity.
A free trial speaks a thousand words
I'm not going to waffle on about Moki Lessons here. If you're interested you should just go and give it a spin. You can create a free trial account with the ability to generate 5 free lessons. It's surprisingly fun to play around with. Beyond that we're offering Moki Lessons on an annual subscription basis for schools at £395 per year, which includes unlimited lessons* and unlimited teacher accounts*. Let us know what you think!
For more info on Moki Lessons including the free trial click here!
* Reasonable use Terms and Conditions apply.