Moki Bands
The wearable activity tracker for schools

Moki Bands inspire schools to move more by providing an accurate picture of their physical activity. Using a simple wristband that records a students' steps and active minutes, Moki offers educators a unique new way to engage children in their health and wellbeing.

Moki Bands Hands
Key Benefits
Ensure your students get their active 30 minutes
Encourage every child to take part with engaging group challenges
Evidence the impact of your school's health and wellbeing strategy
Give students ownership of their progress with player reports
Easily share bands between classes and year groups
Customer Stories
What do teachers say about Moki Bands?

Moki Bands can help you make a real impact at your school but don't take our word for it. We asked teachers why they think Moki Bands make a difference.

Moki Bands
The Wearable

The Moki Band is a durable, water-resistant wristband that records both the number of steps and the minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) performed by the wearer. The Moki Band was designed with no screen, so no distractions!

Moki Bands
The Reader

Connect the Moki Reader to any Windows PC or Apple Mac via USB. When a Moki Band is tapped on the Reader the data is transferred to the app using contactless payment technology so it's quick, easy and secure.

Moki Bands
The App

Measure and motivate the activity of every child in your school, every day with the Moki app. View or print reports with a single click, group students into teams and create custom challenges. You can even invite other Moki schools to take part!


Moki Bands are a one-off purchase and the Moki Bands app is a free download. There are no ongoing subscription costs. For detailed pricing in your preferred currency please check out our Online Shop.

If you’re not sure how many bands you need or have any questions at all the best thing is to do is use the Live Chat feature in the bottom right of the website or book a call.

Unlike most other wearable movement trackers Moki Bands don’t have a screen on them so don’t display any information. Real-time feedback has the potential to be a distraction and can actually be counter productive.

Instead all progress is recorded in the Moki Bands app where the teacher or coach can control how the information is relayed back to the pupil or class. There is an option in the app that allows the individual totals to be masked if your preference is to focus on the progress of a group rather than the individuals.

The Moki App contains a dashboard that shows graphical representations of your activity data which includes movement (steps) and intensity (MVPA). These two metrics are combined to derive a Moki Grade (A-E) which was designed to make it easy for a school to understand where they are relative to the rest of the Moki community as well as government guidelines.

Click here for a more detailed explanation of the Moki Grade.

The Moki Band only records the wearer’s movement. This information is passed via the Reader to the Moki app where it is encrypted before being backed up to Moki’s servers. Whilst anonymised movement data is used by Moki for data analysis no personal student information is accessible by Moki.

Moki has undertaken a Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA) to help us identify and minimise any data protection issues and are happy to discuss this with our customers and partners. Users of Moki are not required to take any specific action to protect their privacy.

Purchasing a Moki band for every child would provide the most accurate data for your school but is by no means essential. Given the pressure on budgets we designed Moki to be effective and flexible at lower volumes. Moki Bands can be shared and moved around your school so it’s not essential to purchase one for every student. However we recommend purchasing a minimum of one full class of bands and a single reader. That way you can rotate Moki periodically and build up a complete picture of your school’s physical activity levels.

Moki Bands use a regular CR-2032 coin cell watch battery so no frequent cabled charging is required. The battery lasts approximately 3 months.

We recommend replacing the battery before the start of every term.

Free Trial
Want to try Moki Bands for free?

Book a call so we can have a quick chat. There's no hard sell we promise! After the call we'll send you a 1-month free trial pack.

Still have questions?

Explored our website, read the FAQ and downloaded the Moki Guide but still have questions? No problem! Either hop on the Live Chat in the bottom right or click the button below for more options.